Repeating Islands

Am I not a man and a brother (Slavery 4.9)

Earlier this month, St John’s College Library at the University of Cambridge, announced the acquisition of letters and papers revealing in detail how human beings were priced for sale during the 18th century Transatlantic Slave Trade. They are now available to researchers and the public. Special Collections Librarian Kathryn McKee reminds us that the 18th century letters provide “a distressing reminder of the powerful business interests that sustained one of the darkest chapters in British history.” Dr. Richard Benjamin, Head of the International Slavery Museum, points out that the letters are also part of a larger body of historical documentation that sheds light on resistance to slavery. Here are just a few excerpts; see the full article in the link below.

[. . .] Kathryn McKee, Special Collections Librarian, who acquired the papers, which were previously held in Derby County Records Office, said: “These documents provide first-hand evidence of the sale of…

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